[Day27] NLP 5 ~ 6강 & 시각화 6-2강


최대 1 분 소요

[Day27] NLP 5 ~ 6강 & 시각화 6-2강

  • Sequence to Sequence with Attention에 대한 이해
    • Encoder-decoder architecture, Attention mechaanism
      • Recall: Types of RNNs
      • Seq2Seq Model
      • Seq2Seq Model with Attention
      • Different Attention Mechanisms
      • Attention Examples in Machine Translation
  • Beam Search and BLEU score에 대한 이해
    • Beam search
      • Greedy decoding
      • Exhaustive search
      • Beam search
      • Beam search: Example
      • Beam search: Stopping criterion
      • Beam search: Finishing up
    • BLEU score
      • Precision and Recall
      • F-measure
      • BLEU score
  • Interactive Visualization 실습

  • Custom Matplotlib Theme
